Full Stack Web Developer
Hi! I'm Carolina, I'm a Junior Software Developer from Spain, currently based in Dublin, Ireland. You can see some of my work below. I'm always open to collaborate in different projects, feel free to send me a message if you have any cool ideas!
Here you have some examples of projects I have worked or I'm currently working on.
Puppy Rush
HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Matching puppies easy and simple game inspired on Candy Crush. Built in pure JavaScript.
E-Commerce site, built using Django, Python, Stripe, AWS, JQuery, HTML and CSS
E-commerce platform for shoes and sport gear. The site also handles payments on Stripe.
La Biblioteca
CRUD Operations using Python, Flask, MongoDB, HTML, CSS and JQuery
Add, create, edit and delete books and comments to share with other users.
Shopping List
Google authentication, Python, Flask and MongoDB
Private area logging in with Google account, allow you to add and delete items to a shopping list.
Hacker News Challenge
React, HTML and CSS
Improvement of Hacker News site with improved UI retrieveing data from Hacker News API.
Task Manager
Python, Flask, MongoDB, HTML, CSS and JQuery
Create, edit, delete and mark as important tasks.
Carol's Kitchen
In this page you would find different popular Spanish recipes. Completed in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. First Milestone Project in Code Institute course.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JQuery
WIT Hackaton project. Platform for Mentors and students to connect. I collaborated with 4 other classmates to complete this project.
HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Landing page for TinDog, an app to meet other other dogs nearby. Udemy course project.
Nov 29, 2021
Switching careers: my first month as Software Engineer
I recently started my first professional job as Softwar Engineer and I wanted to share my first month in case you are going through the same process or considering it.
Nov 8, 2020
Difference between em and rem in CSS
A new learner of web development I encountered myself trying to understand what is the difference between em and rem, so here tou can find what are their major differences and how you should use them.
YouTube channels to learn or level up in Python 🐍
Online sources are always a great way to learn or sharp your skills, if you are currently learning Python here you can find a few channels that could help you along the way.
If you want to work together or just get to know me a little bit better, please send me a message!